
  • Are there any recurring charges?

    Subscriptions renew automatically. You will receive a reminder email 14 days before renewal if you are on one of our annual plans.
  • Can I integrate Go iLawn with my website?

    No, Go iLawn cannot be integrated with your website.
  • Can I pay monthly?

    You cannot split up a yearly subscription into monthly payments. We require payment for yearly subscriptions up front. We have one monthly subscription package for basic Go iLawn.
  • Do I have to provide my credit card for the free trial?

    No - we do not need your credit card until you are ready to purchase.
  • Do you have any discounts?

    We offer volume discounts on credit packages. Our credit packages are: 10 credits for $60: $6.00 each 100 credits for $400: $4.00 each 200 Credits for $700: $3.50 each 400 Credits for $1,200: $3.00 each
  • Do you have packages for unlimited search credits?

    We do not offer unlimited search credit packages. Our search credit packages are discounted as you buy more: 10 credits for $60: $6.00 each 100 credits for $400: $4.00 each 200 Credits for $700: $3.50 each 400 Credits for $1,200: $3.00 each
  • How do I cancel?

    Please complete the following form to confirm your cancellation: We will cancel your account once the form has been submitted and reach out to confirm.
  • I want to subscribe but I don’t want the subscription to auto-renew. What can I do?

    If you want to subscribe but don’t want your account to auto-renew, just let us know. You can create your subscription and contact us via chat, phone, or email, and we’ll turn off auto-renew. You’ll have full access for the entire length of the subscription you have purchased.
  • What are “Free Searches”?

    Each subscription comes with 10 Free Search Credits when you purchase the subscription and another 10 Free Searches each time the subscription renews. When you need more credits, we have credit packages available to purchase.
  • What are search credits?

    A Search Credit allows you to look up a property and create a new project on your account.
  • What comes with the Free Trial?

    When you sign up for the Free Trial, you get full access to Go iLawn Instant Estimator, 3 free search credits to give you a chance to test and learn the system, and access to our Tutorial Project which can be revisited at any time.
  • What is included with the subscription?

    The subscription includes 10 Free Searches when initially purchased and each time it renews.
  • What is the difference between Go iLawn and the InstantEstimator?

    Go iLawn is our basic measuring service, providing you with a full toolset to easily measure, group, and calculate measurements for any size property. You can see property parcel boundary data for each job and its surrounding properties, and quickly view properties in multi-angle, high-res, leaf ...
  • When is a search credit used?

    A Search Credit is used when you look up a property and create the project on your account. A Search Credit is also used when you create a Copy of an existing Project on your account.